its been mentioned a million times but how long do drugs stay in ure system pills coke weed acid mdma
Re: its been mentioned a million times i'm pretty sure its usually about 3 - 4 days, except weed which is about 3months. i'm sure i'll be corrected if i'm wrong. oh and i think they can tell what drugs you've been taking by testing your hair, like months afterwards if you have long hair... again i expect to be corrected if i'm wrong.
i think coke is a couple of days. pills and mdma is 5-7 days weed is 2-3 month not sure about acid but i dont reckon it will be that long.
Re: Re: its been mentioned a million times I read somewhere they can tell years later from your hair but i guess thats just for lasses with long hair. Mind you - judging by jimi's hair they will be able to tell what he took 10 year ago
They don't test you till (usually) half way through phase one training mate. Give yourself 4 weeks before you are due to report for training and you'll be sweet In the mean time you might as well get as off your face as humanly possible :laugh: