It's back! New rules will apply, actually almost fuck all rules will apply but I will fill you all in in a bit. Hello, hello, it's good to be back, it's good to be back!
yay welcome back mr forum i missed it, and i think every1 did if they r honest with themselves!!!! and its not even the new year yet, i knew we could get our own way fank oo mark lets not have any of the crap we've had to endure the last couple of weeks, eh? good to be back.
woops the last post was me in jezs name cos i forgot to log out when i was sortin her avatar out!! doh!!
I will tell you all this in more detail l8r but..... All rules are void except. You can discuss drugs (issues etc) but can we avoid the classic. 'I got totally twatted at club X on drug Y last night'. You can slag off djs if you want but try to keep it nice (it makes you look more cleaver like). We will not block you for breaking the rules unless peeps really, really take the piss.
but u will recieve a warnign repeat offenders will be barred. rspect the boards and post sensibly and hopefully the board will never go tits up again