ISDN DJing Who remembers when ISDN DJing was going to be the next big thing? I remember being at Nice @ The Playrooms & either Healy or Gold were 'LIVE' via ISDN, there was pictures of them on the TV screens & sound was pumped via the speakers. The talk at the time was superstar DJs would no longer travel around but they would stop at home & DJ to about 150 clubs all at once
I went to the Tunnel in Glasgow for the much hyped Danny Tenaglia ISDN live link from his 10hr set at Homeleands or Home. Needless to say it never worked and the residents played all night. Vodka & Red bull for a £1 though
ISDN set were an awful idea. May aswell stick a cd on. I remember loads of nights were pluggin it for millemium eve and they all fucked up
wouldn't the sound quality be like.. 64k or something? call me a nerd, but my broadband connection is 512k and it can stream 128k music.. which is acceptable to listen to.
What ever happened to Tenaglia? I know he gave up DJing in Ibiza, but has he since stopped completely?