i wud say sadham insane is more intelligent than bush!! he's the 1 with all the ppl who've had plastic surgery to look like him!! on that subject.do u reckon it was sadham insane or 1 of his lookie likey's who did that t.v interview where he told his ppl they were his shield?
im not sure. I was watching something about that on the news last night, they pointed out his differences between that speech, and one he gave a week or so before There were definate differences, but we don't know which was the real saddam, and which was the fake. I suppose it's possible that they were both fakes
this is very true!! he is a true mad man either way.........he also has prisoners taste his food every time he eats to check 4 poisons..........he then has them killed so the next tasters pallate isn't soiled!!!
Re: Is you had ever questioned whether President Bush is an intelligent man... that fuckin commitment