Is ur music too loud? A pensioner was cleared today of deliberately leaving a neighbour with blistered breasts in a row over loud music. Sinclair John was alleged to have first attacked the mother of one with a kettle of boiling water and then to have threatened to kill her with a couple of kitchen knives. But the 67-year-old, of Lordship Grove, Stoke Newington, north London, insisted Mary Brown was to blame for the scars which she will carry for the rest of her life. :spangled:
If my nxt door neighboor came and asked me to turn me music down there'd be trouble!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil:
Now your posts are getting really coincidental. First the one about Jamie Oliver's kid, now you put something up about someone called Sinclair John. One of my best mates is John Sinclair (but he doesn't live in London). STOP IT!
there have been several formal complaints made to uni about the levels of sound from my room. fukk em
we had 3 formal meetings with uni's accomodation officer last year cos of constant complaints from the neighbour. he was a total twat though