dunno, but here's a photo of Nass http://www.gurn.net/gallery/image.php?set=263&id=21 ... and check here http://www.promisealways.com/messages/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11413&perpage=15&pagenumber=2 he should be a push over
same here all there are are pics of me, chris and every1 gettin mashed @ naughty!! probs didnt get this cause i just got out of bed!! sorry
why I pointed him Nass's direction...... don't get much fresher than that. The lad's still got puppy fat on him
I have a pic of Nass from the hotel when we went to Promise Vs GoodGreef where he apparently looks like a dude from a boy band, could send you it if ya like Shaun?