I'm here, that should answer your question oh yeah, and I'm drinking lamvino! LET THE FUN BEGIN (don't let me snog anyone though Jamie - I'm counting on you)
OH MY GOD, not lamvino *shudder* I will keep u under control my dear even thou im on the vodka so you may have to control me if cute lads wonder by....
Claire - they had champagne in Asda for £2.39 the other day, we're going to bring some to Laura's for the next GC Jamie - are you coming too?
Oh I know *boing* I honestly can't say how much I'm looking forward to it, even though I've been a fair few times before, never with a group of mates like this. It's going to be wicked!
for 2 years in a row we went with our mates, tho they weren't as cool as you lot! it was our old crasher mates who don't go anymore, they were so mardy when they were out there - I think the only big night out they went on was Cream are you coming to Promise on Laura's bus? (when Matt's on)
I am going to promise yes, not 100% about lauras bus as yet. remember my mate Ash who you will have met at crasher on boxing day and at the NEC? Well on the 15th he's got a set somewhere in Newcastle, and he's asked if I'll go to give him some support. Lauras bus would be cheaper, but obviously if I'm staying the extra day I'll have to get the train back anyway so there won't be much point. Having said that, Ash hasn't told me exactly where his set is, and much as I'd like to go, if it's somewhere shite I'd rather come on lauras bus and save my pennies. I feel awful as well, for not having given her an answer yet, but I'll find out for definate this weekend cos I know she's after numbers as soon as poss.