Is there any way to fix erratic volume control on a Hi Fi? I've got a Denon UD-M50 Hi Fi and I love it. The only problem is that I've had it a few years now and the Volume controller that is built into the Hi Fi is sort of like a circular dial with no markings on it which turns freely to alter the volume. Left goes quieter, right goes louder. It is now working erraticly and when I try to turn it down a few notches it goes up e.t.c It's completely erratic and seems to have no order. You have to either persist untill you get it where you want it or use the remote control. I'd rather try and fix it if I could - is this a regular problem with these type of controllers and does anyone know if there is any way to fix it?
Cheers - I'll give it a shot, bit worried about taking my beloved Hi Fi apart mind but it's got to be done.
If you can get to the contacts there is a spray that you can get that usually sorts this problem. It's designed for faders on mixers but it works on most volume controls. Don't know where you would get it up there, maybe some sort of pro music equipment shop if you have one.