Is there any way of? Comprsesing an album i have on my harddrive which is not in MP3 format. To a size were i could email it 2 a friend? Cheers
AS spud said you wont get any smaller than Mp3. To convert to mp3 you need a program such as nero ..... Even then you are probs looking at 60+ MB's It would be easier to burn a CD and post it to your mate
wma (Windows media) files are about half the size of MP3, with no loss of quality. Still too big to mail tho really, unless you both have broadband
fuck knows. Might be something in the Win XP Power Toys pack, other than that you're on your own. Just burn it onto a cd and mail it, lots easier
True!! 1 more? So when u download MP3s of the net, how does the music get converted 2 MP3 format? Is there sum software package i can get 4 this?
I'll explain it to ya when u get home, i rip loads of cd's to mp3, gizza shout ova msn when u get home