Is it not Mr Fish's 25? Cos im sure Talon was/is Teknofish... if im right, Happy Birthday, if not, oops
At a guess it will be because if someone finds ur name it narrows down who you really are, if someone finds your name and DOB they pretty much know who you are.
I do believe he is older, I'd say about 28!!!! And as for 25 'kicking on a bit'....I'm 25!!!!!!!!!!!!
25??????? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah hahahahhahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa ahahhahahahahahahaha ahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahah haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa hahaha hoho!!
how could i laff at u bein 25?? im 26 nah was laffin coz pikes pretending to be 25...... sorry it really wasnt that funny was it?! *snigger*
Nah it was...infact it was hilarious!!!! He'll keep tryin to make people think he's younger than he actually is....when infact he's pushing 30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!