Is it just me or.......... this year flying by, i mean its march already for fucks sake!!!! It doesn't seem that long ago that it was NYE, and this time next month is the tidy weekender. Who is messing about with time:spangled:
aye the last 2 mths have gone ridiculously quickly........can't decide whather thats a good thing or a bad thing since the last 2 mths have been canny wank to say the least........
good thing about it though is that it means summers gettin festivals and hopefuly better weather!
very true..........winter makes every1 feel & look older i think........til our pitiful excuse 4 sunshine comes out to play & then we brighten up a bit...........
yeah it really is going fast now. we were just talking about this the other day and we said that once you get to about 20 life just fly's by.
i reckon its deffo warmer this year so far we've had a bit of snow but just recently the weather's not been bad at all.