Is clubbing and dance dying? Having just browsed through the forum, I noticed a few negative threads. (e.g. Is trance dead/When will you stop clubbing). Based on what I read in these threads and in my own experiences, does this mean that dance music and clubbing is no longer working for the public? Has the fact that it is now so commercial, put people off? In my own experiences, I DJ'd for a short period of time 2001/02 playing in a few bars and holding a clubbing event in Newcastle. I then took a break for the summer in prep for the University/College years kicking off again. But through the summer, because I wasn't DJing, I was able to witness what people outside of dance music perceive it to be, with all the crap that was in the top 40 every week. I'm one of those people who goes on holiday in the summer and always comes back with a catalogue of tunes that will forever remind me of the holiday, but this year there was nothing! The most memorable tune was that really bad Madonna cover 'Like a prayer'. I must also say I have not DJ'd since because I lost my passion for house music. I've loaned out my decks because I have no music I want to play. I don't want to play music I don't enjoy. Has anyone else on this forum felt the same about dance music? Has dance music been ruined by artists trying to cash in on it? Share your opinion. Cheers, Terry.
Have you been to Promise? Is Promise dying? I believe not. I'm not a very experienced clubber however, this is just what I think.
Yes, I have been to Promise and even though house music was my thing and not trance, I think it's the best night in Newcastle. Full of REAL clubbers. (Unlike that small affair on a Saturday night). I see why you would think it's changing. Do you think we are going to see a dramatic change? If so long or short term? and what effect is the change going to have?
its changing yeha but i dont think its dying i just think the people that are saying all this stuff are the ppl that hav bin into it all 4 a couple of years n are seeing that things aint the smae as they used to be n are thinking it may me on its way out but it definitley arent!! me for one is just feeling as if im gettin old n it aint as fun as it used ot be which personally i dont think it is, but it certainyl aint dying out, like mark said its just changing... dont fink i like the way its changing too much though or mebbs thats just me feelin sorry 4 maself cos am gettin old xxxx
Re: Is clubbing and dance dying? No its just evolving.... I'm guessing by 2000/2001 your talking about the trance explosion in the UK. If this is the case then of course it's peaked, but this doesn't mean it's dead. Every musical genre peaks then fades - most come back some stay underground. You just need to look at Mod Rock, Punk, Progressive Rock, Metal, Hip Hop, House and even Hardcore to see that music comes in cycles. Trance has certainly peaked but its far from dead. Theres still millions of trance lovers in the UK be they galaxy listening Scooter lovers or Gatecrasher going tiesto lovers, there is still a huge market place. Your comment about the only quality music being that shitty like a prayer track is laughable... that isn't quality trance - this year and last year has seen an arsenal of quality trance being released as there are still loads of quality artists still producing and mixing trance - Gatecrasher and Godskitchen are still putting on massive events and clubs like promise despite a 3 week dwindle are still doing very well. However in my opinion one of the things that is contributing to the demise of trance is its strict music policy - early pioneers like The Orb, Future Sound of London, Sasha, etc. fused elements from an array of musical genres... they laid the foundations of trance but no1 has added to these foundations since, trance has stayed more or less the same for well over 10 years... People are now bored of this same'ish sound and are looking for something new. Other genres however haven't restricted themselves to this mundane formula take: electro house breaks techno At present all these genres are moving forward at a very fast pace, they're forever crossing so called borders resulting in very innovative music... This is going to be the dance music of 03/04 I reckons... Just turn on your radio and listen to how much pop music is influenced by it
In reply to: ('Your comment about the only quality music being that shitty like a prayer track is laughable... that isn't quality trance') by Joe Sorry if I wrote about that track in a way that you thought I may have enjoyed it. Trust me, I hate it! Everytime it came on in a bar I felt like walking out.
Dance music & clubbing die every year But then a tune, a dj, a club night, a splinter genre or somthing comes along about April or May and everyone & everthing is ROCKING AGAIN!!!!
whoever thinks clubbing is dying should check London out, i know its a different ball game, but its huge here... What with Gatecrasher, Frantic, Peach, Recoverworld, Serious, Gallery, Tidy etc. and thats just the big nights, only probs is i cant afford to go