Is chewing gum classed as food? cos its not like you eat it is it? And unlike most food, it doesn’t get broken down by enzymes, or have any nutritional value…
if its not sugar free then i guess its food. it does get broken down eventually....u know when it goes all minging and breaks up....yuk....
the only time it gets broken down is if u eat cheese with it, or chocolate, then it goes really gunky and nasty…if it falls out your mouth onto your clothes then, ure fucked!
Bollox, ive an operation next tuesday and cant eat or drink fuck all either, its advisable that you dont smoke either, chewy would be my only saviour, if i cant have that im gonna die!! Anyone want my possessions!!
it is at college, you aint allowed to eat in the ICT rooms, and you get kicked ut if you have gum. it sucks!
I will have your drug stash. What operation are you having. Any chance of death or anything. I think it is food. You eat it and what else would you class it as.