IRA Shootings Cant believe after all this time they start that. That place will never be at peace like at this rate. BoredProductions43 (1 week ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam: the IRA can kill all the british soliders they want and ill still support them fuck the uda! celticfan37 (1 week ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam: adam u loyalist prick, ur family are next u cunt !!!!! Those ^^ are just some of the youtube comments within the last few days, hope it doesnt fucking turn out like this again, use to constantly see things like this where i came from >> Obviouslly these are british soldiers trying to keep the peace in northern ireland. Shocking. [yt]KbMY5wpzZDI&NR[/yt]
It's absolutely awful Made me feel sick when I heard about those poor soldiers who were killed the other day. They just thought they were going to collect pizza.
I reckon we can expect more attacks/ambushes in the next few days after the murder of the police officer last night
... 2 Military personel & a Police officer shot dead yet Jade Goody STILL made front page of the tabloids, madness.
the ira are fucking pussys they have been bought off by the british goverment, they should never have stopped hostilites untill they kicked the english out imo whats the difference between us being in ireland and saddam walking into kuwait? because it happened a long time ago? there will always be soldiers getting clipped every few years, they will have a pressence there for our life time at least. i dont think the ira will "rise again" just because of the "terrorist" tag and the usa's policy against it (even tho the usa bank rolled/supplied the ira for the main) . I bet america are gutted the IRA are classed as terroists but u cant pick and choose Yankie doodles
Its fucked up like there's more fucking wars & killings over religion than anything else & when you add footy to the mix swee jesus help us all. I went to Belfast as a kid and i have to say it was one of the most daunting things i have ever ever done i shit myself from start to finish.
Yeh ano it's horrible like, a use to go to all the Rangers FC maches, usually when they played celtic & the riots were Unreal, i use to have to change my top b4 i left the ground & sometimes had to walk under police shields. Obviouslly alot of the nutters were the rangers fans aswell like. Even worse over in ireland though, trust all this to go on now, when Rangers v Celtic in a few days lol, be fucking hell on.
Scotland m8, proper crazy part where all they done is sprey fuck the pope & the IRA all over the place etc lol. A didnt go to the matches for the war, was just my home team but every time i went i took the risk of returning home with no face, or not returning home at all. Was glad to see the back of it all to be honest.
It aint even the 'proper' IRA doing it. If a breakaway group wants to start kicking off, the best thing we can do is treat it and them as isolated incidents by an unrelated group of people. ..... But once again, the media take us for fools and start whipping us into a frenzy about the boogie men IRA being back in action to justify police on the streets. I dont buy any of it.
The real IRA were last heard from in 1998-1999, wasnt all that long ago, it'll be them alright or people in close relation to them.
Yes but the 'real ira' arent even the REAL IRA, they are a bunch of people who decided to go off on their own crusade after the REAL IRA decided to stop their violence and give up their weapons. I find it very coincidental that things like this happen right around the time when the government is courting the idea of riots on the streets due to them and their friends bankrupting the whole world pretty much...... Seems like it gives them a wonderful excuse have the military patroling their 'own' country in large numbers once again to 'keep the peace'.
Yeah i know what u mean RIRA are gone so they say, but these clowns that have been formed since 1998 are real enough. Seemingly these shootings were well planned & they had access to atuomatic rifles etc so god knows what else they are capable of.
I think u may be right, allow i hope not. Just looking at these youtube comments says it all. andymac*** (3 hours ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply::: To all ulster-men and women. Two of our british soldiers were slaughtered and four others critically wounded by republican filth last week. Also one of our police officers, Constable Stephen Carroll was shot dead by C.I.R.A scum,this will not be tolerated,we need to get our message across. These incidents signal that the war has begun. We must be ready to fight once again. Let the battle begin!
i think comments made on youtube can be taken alot less seriously than the actual action that has taken place. it doesent really matter if it is the IRA or not - it's still offside, and just shows how unstable northern ireland still is.
True about the youtube comments, but if thats just on the net, whats going through the others heads. According to this it actually is the RIRA - Real IRA, seemingly some1 from the real IRA made a phonecall to the wife in this video [ame=""]YouTube- The Real IRA: "no apology" for attacking the soldiers[/ame] saying the man on the phone gave 2 code words, which only the RIRA n police etc know.