ipod reliability ??? So i finally have enough cash in my account to buy the hubby the ipod he's been banging on about wanting for months, and now he says he's "not sure because (he's) heard bad things about their reliability" He wanted either the 4 gig nano or the 30 gig ipod. Apart from the obvious differences in price and storage space, does anyone know whether one is any more reliable than the other ??
The nano has no moving parts, and in theory should be more reliable than the hard drive-based 30gb video. The chance of there being any problem with either is relatively small, I've got a 60gb iPod and I've had no bother with it whatsoever. Before that I had a 40gb for 2 years (and that still works too). Provided they're taken care of there's no reason why it should break. If he's a casual user (and doesn't have that much of a media collection) go for the nano. If he's a music nut then you can't do wrong with the 30gb Only thing I'd recommend is that you get a carry case/cover for whichever one you get. I got one and to this day my pod doesn't have a single scratch on it
Oh and before I forget ebuyer are selling the 30gb for £189 with free shipping here , thats only about £20 more than the nano if you bought it on the high street
Perfectly reliable ... Ive had a shuffle, original 40gb one, 60gb photo and now a 30gb video one (swapped or sold them - they didnt break ) My video has even suffered a few nasty drops onto tile and wood floors while its been playing recently and been perfectly fine. Most people who go on about ipod problems are people who have never used one Get it - they are top notch nouvelle
I had mine and used it constantly for 2 years before it had problems and I think thats because of how often I used it and the battery died. I would still highly recommend them!
I got a 60Gb video for crimbo and its class, no problems at all apart from i deleted 45Gb of music and films off by accident once
id wait untill apr 1st as that is Apple's 30th bday and the rumours are they are going to announce the next ipod then.
They are crap I know about 5 people which have had problems with their ipods not including mine which is broken!
They have the best 'street' reputation and are 'the' mp3 player to have if you are 14 and must conform... But they have the crappest batteries. And scratch VERY easily. There are better products on the market!! However the iPod is better in the newer generations. Some of my mates have the 30gb video one and had no bother. My mate got rid of his 20gb creative for a 4gb nano JUST because of the look of it. He regrets it Out of the two though, get the 30gb!! Much better value for money. If i was replacing my MP3 player the 30gb iPod would be on my list, as would the new creative zen vision which is very nice...30gb, better battery than the iPod and proven reliability. My Creative Zen has a 24 hour battery...but its lasted for 30 without a charge! http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos...49496/sr=2-2/ref=sr_2_3_2/203-0713040-4260763