ipod/itunes probs anyone else avin any probs with thier pods? mines been fine for ages and now its startin to fook it!! i cant even get on itunes now cos its sayin its the itunes file cannot be read cos it aint a valid library file!?!?! anybody know whats wrong with it? could it even be me commie and not me pod? cheers
come on dave! u are a gadget king!!!! wipe allll the tunes from it by formatting it. plug you ipod in, the open i tunes. There will be a format option somewhere.
i cant even open itunes on me commie anyways...thats wots fooked! and i may like me gadgets but it dont mean i know how they work! all style but no substance....
i can solve ya problem dave..simply hold the ipod in your right hand sing "come on little ipod..work for meeeeeeee" usually does the trick
Sometimes mine runs really slow like takes ages to load....think it's coz I've got so much shit on my computer. I'd try re-installing it see what happens if it still doesn't work complain to apple!
If you reinstall itunes it should sort it, if not uninstall the prog, delete the install directory and reinstall. That should fix it. Ps- You'll lose the itunes libary
ive uninstalled and re-installed it loadsa times but dunno if ive deleted the install directory?!?! or does it do that when u uninstall itunes?
It doesnt delete the install directory when you uninstall itunes. After uninstalling, Do a search for itunes and it should find the directory for you then just delete it, then if you restart then install it again from scratch it should work fine.
cheers for the help mate... ...its workin again..just downloaded the new version of itunes and its all on again....minus me library but am not bothered bout that cos its on me pod anyways! happy again!
Richer Sounds will sort you out But what you really want is http://store.apple.com/Apple/WebObj...95SliPHr02BZmEEESOKmqS4W/