iPhone [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgW7or1TuFk"]YouTube- A Closer Look At The iPhone[/ame] The stuff you can do with the photo's is pretty clever.
great... does it have a camera? or is it just the same as every other mobile but with a touch screen and a swivelly display..
Kind of defeats the point of having such a flashy display... Touch screen I-phone or the next gen of Sony phones that do everything this overhyped overpriced (£200??) scratchpad does but with a shit hot camera... I get 2 gb on my k800i with fontopia headphones and a lot better audio quality than my ipod ever gives.. I also don't have to use I-tunes or any pc software for that matter..
2mp Camera its not even 3G ffs, why promote the fact that you can download tracks onto it if it only supports GPRS
it does looks special jsut the little detials like the screen tilting when you tilt the phone, and the way you scroll, and the zoom in on pictures that looks liek something from minority report!!!
I think it only has a 2mp camera which by the time it comes out over here is going to look pretty outdated, all in all its still going to do well though.
Looks like 02 have won the contract http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/6272226.stm No 3g yet you Youtube & Google Maps are built into it?? Cant record videos As per usual Apple goes for style over substance
That is cool as fuck that like, will definately be having one but can imagine a whole load of problems to occur with them!
Touchscreen I would of thought, not like a keyboard but just by the numbers the same as a normal phone but not sure...