Invasion & B2T @ The Buttermarket, Shrewsbury - Fri Oct 26th Invasion teams up with B2T to Bring you a massive Halloween Fancy dress Party!! Discount on the door for people in fancy dress!! Gobbly Gook decor are going to transform the club into a Halloween extravaganza! "A Nightmare on Howard Street!" With Andy Whitby! Mark EG! Strange Dave! P.A.S 2hr set! Riggsy! and many more full line up bellow! The whole club will be open.. 4 Rooms, 3 Floors, 10pm - 5am, all night! Invasion & B2T are gonna blow the roof of the Buttermarkets main room with a Hard dance boshathon! After building you up gently lol INVASION & B2T (main room, upstairs) - HARD DANCE & TRANCE ANDY WHITBY P.A.S 2hr Set (Cheadle, Hubby, JT, Mixin) STRANGE DAVE vs LIVE WIRE RIGGSY b2b KYE SHAND KT JAMAZ b2b JIM DULSON FUZZY LOGIC (room 2, upstairs) - HOUSE & ELECTRO HOUSE JOHN HARVEY THE SCOTT STIFFLER EXPERIENCE PETE COWLEY JIM HB ENERGIZED (main room, cellars) - Hard Style, Hardcore, Techno, Extreme Dance! MARK EG STRANGE DAVE b2b MISTER STUART KT & NAYLOR LIVE WIRE b2b K RYAN NINJA & JAMAZ CADDY TIPPY MC's: YODA, JK & More TBC ULIKE (room2, Cellars) - TECHNO JACK THE NUT FROSTY DAVE SCOTT JAY ROUGE CHAD PARKER BUT WAIT THERES MORE!!!!!!! Before the doors open at 10pm there will be an Invasion pre party at the Vaults! From 6pm we will provide a location for you to meet up with your mates, that’s attitude free, cyber friendly. All future pre parties on the last friday of each month will be at the vaults hosted By Invasion DJs! If you’re travelling from outside of Shrewsbury its right by the train station and car park so you can go for a few beers while you wait for the doors to open at the Buttermarket! TICKETS: will be Available from Also available from Recycle records, Shrewsbury, 01743 364444 & Bottom Dollar records upstairs in the Shrewbury Market Hall. IF ANY ONES TRAVELING DOWN AND NEEDS ACCOMIDATION: Shrewsbury Hotel Main Reception & Bookings Tel: 01743 236203 Shrewsbury SY1 1PU Call them Quoting: 3777 - INVASION you'll get a double room for £50 incl Breakfast TICKETS: