Interview with Yoji Biomehanika...

Discussion in 'Music' started by Doggie, Nov 2, 2002.

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  1. Doggie

    Doggie Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    Interview with Yoji Biomehanika...

    How did you get into DJing?
    I was an artist before I became a DJ. As an artist, I did various productions and finally got into to dance music. The most appropriate position to promotethe music I was playing was to be a DJ.

    Which DJs have inspired you?
    There is no one by whom I have especially inspired. However, my various friends always keep stimulating me a lot in various

    What are your favourite labels?
    There are lots of labels which I like. Recently I have been getting into Headline Records in Germany. Oliver Klitzing is a really talented producer. STIK from Italy has wonderful ideas I think. In UK, I pay attention to Tidy Two's future activities. I always focus on producers rather than labels. In Germany, DJ Scot Project and Hennes & Cold are always fantastic, and in UK, I always check LAB4's work. Also Thomas Trouble from US and Zenith DJ from Italy create plenty of interesting tracks.

    You have also released several tracks and remixed people like DJ Scot Project and T-99. How did you get into music production?
    I had been producing music long before I became a DJ. I was also in a band. I did various kinds of music from punk rock to any electronic music. I have become a very good producer as a result of this. However, I cannot read music scores so when I get an idea I immediately rush to my studio, even if it is midnight to put the idea in my computer otherwise I will totally forget the idea, ha ha ha. Occasionally I first get phrases and start production, or sometimes I build the groove first. The way of production varies every time I make a track. I am always excited when I am make music in my studio.
    I am going to corroborate with various people.

    Where did the idea for the Hellhouse label come from?
    I had released my work on various labels. The labels which already
    existed have their own style, and it is not easy to release tracks which are different from their styles. In order to express new ideas or try experimental things freely, I needed a label I could do anything I wanted to do. it's difficult for me if I cannot deliver anything to my fans if I cannot do what I like.

    You have an army of dedicated followers called Haniker's who try to dress exactly like you & is that not scary?
    Basically they just love crazy cyber fashion. I only gave a chance to them. In the UK you have Gatecrasher kids, and at Sundissential there are lots of young people wearing cyber fashion. I think there is no difference between them. But because Japan is a country which loves USA style, it is true there is a tendency to refuse cyber fashion in club fashion. At the parties I play, very fashionable clubbers come though. Maybe this is why they are called Haniker's. As you say, out of my enthusiastic fans there are some kids who like to dress like me complete with the same hair style. I am not scared at all... I think it's a great compliment and they are lovely.

    You are a bit of a celebrity in Japan... is it easy or difficult for you to do normal everyday things like record shopping, eating out etc?
    Ha Ha Ha, you say as if I am a famous rock star! It is true I sometimes feel I don't want to go shopping. Once when I was walking down one of the main shopping streets in Tokyo and a mother and her daughter asked me to take a picture with them. I was so surprised because they are mother and child! Both of them are my fans! This is the funniest story so far. Everyday I go to my studio and go shopping with my wife to the super market. Ha ha ha.

    Why do you think you have become so popular in the UK in such a short space of time?
    Am I popular? I didn't know that. Ha ha ha. If you think so, it may be because my label is based in London and I have worked with many labels in UK. I have a complex in my mind that I am a Japanese, but still I believe that music has no boundaries, especially as I believe dance music should be enjoyed by the all of the people in the world. I am very happy to be accepted by many people. I have many friends that respect me and they keep pushing me. Lab4, Annabelle from One Inch and the Tidy Boys as well as lots of party organisers. I really appreciate for their support.

    How did the signing to Tidy Management come about?
    When I played in USA, I was with Tidy Boys at two parties. Later on I got a call from Andy and he asked me to work with them.

    Are you excited to be involved with Tidy?
    Of course I 'm very excited. I feel strong like I can possibly change the style of Tidy, ha ha ha. I'll do my besy for them, I always do.

    What are your favourite releases on Tidy?
    Out of recent works, I love Lee Haslam's 'Music is Drug'. Out of the old ones, I loved Bulettproof's 'Mistakes'.

    You have a pretty unique sound & how would you describe it?
    I can only say it is Yoji style Hard Dance. I think music scenes should be attractive because all of the artists have their own unique style and they feel bad if they cannot explain their identity without being categorised. You can express the word 'unique' when you know what is 'normal'. But who wants normal things in this scene? Everyone needs stimulation. I believe that it is the best thing that everyone can have fun as if they can go crazy.

    Do you think the Japanese scene could be like the English Scene?
    It is difficult to compare any country with Japan, because at the centre of every music scene in every country there are always DJs and artists who influence their country's scene. They run labels and deliver music to the people. They have their ears and eyes closely tied to streets and culture in their countries. In the UK and also in Holland lots of labels and djs create music constantly and every kind of media and party organisers supports their music so their music scene is strong. But this is very sorry, but in Japan, most of Japanese djs just buy records imported to Japan and play them at parties. Can you believe this? I myself made a label and create music and play at parties, but they just look my these activities as 'special'. It's weird, really, though many kinds of music instrument are made in Japan. I wonder if all of Japan's DJs will be soon replaced with foreign DJs. I don't regard myself as a Japanese artist. Once again, I believe dance music has no boundaries and the area of my activities is all of the world.

    You DJ 'd at Tidy Weekender 2 and brought the roof down & What were your thoughts on the event?
    I think it was an absolutely wicked event. The event was really goods because we could have lots of fun every night for three days. It was like a very special community had been created for three days.
    Only one thing I was a puzzled about was the sound levels which were a little bit low. I needed louder sound. I hope the next time I can play with a set fitted more to me and my louder sound.

    Out of all the places you have DJ 'd at, which one has been the most memorable?
    In Japan there was outdoor festival called Rainbow2000. It was a fantastic event. Dance Valley in Holland is a really great event. I haven't experienced such a event where so many people get together.
    The strange thing is it all kicked off from midday. I'm moved every year by this event. In the UK, Laboratory held by Lab4 was impressive.

    What was impressive?
    I have never met such a strange engineer. He is crazy. When I started to modify the pitch of a turntable, he rushed to me and sounded weird voices as if he was going crazy. Ha ha ha.

    Where would you most like to DJ?
    Anywhere is fine. But I am not good at humid places and very dirty places. I am OK anywhere as long as it has an air conditioning. Ha ha ha.

    Do you still have an ambition?
    You mean money or fame? I don't have such kinds of ambition. I am not young enough any more to have such ambitions, ha ha ha.
    I keep doing my best, maintaining my own pace as much as I can, just as I always have done. I just keep doing what I feel excited about.
    I'm not that ambitious but I always have a wish and that is to excite more people with my music DJing. This is all I want.

    Finally, you re well known for your heavy stage presence when you perform... how do you like to wind down and chill out after playing?
    In Japan there are lots of places for very comfortable relaxation called 'onsen' or hot springs. I often go there with my friends. There is a big outdoor bath and we spend time there while looking at the fantastic scenery. In winter you relax in the bath surrounded by snow along with drinks with very gorgeous food. You should go to onsen when you come to Japan. I promise you can chill out in the best environment. When I play overseas, I cannot do this, but when I come back to Japan I immediately go to onsen.
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Damocles

    Damocles Registered User

    Mar 18, 2002
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    Only 14 days left till i get to see him :D :D :D :D :D
  4. confuzzled

    confuzzled Registered User

    Jan 17, 2002
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    in love with annie
    i think you might spontaneously combust from excitement before then though. :p

    hope he lives up to your expectations! ;)
  5. Damocles

    Damocles Registered User

    Mar 18, 2002
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    If he don't i have an emergency plan. ;)
  6. confuzzled

    confuzzled Registered User

    Jan 17, 2002
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    in love with annie
    god help us, cos i can only begin to imagine what this entails :eek: :confused:
  7. Damocles

    Damocles Registered User

    Mar 18, 2002
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    in the words of someone else

    "*%#&'s, dirty dancing and pounding pounding techno music"

    Or in english

    "*%#&'s, Shit dancing (by me) and walking to the bugged out room"
  8. JulesRules


    Jun 11, 2002
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    Yoji is a quality geezer! :) wen i saw him, he played amazin!

    he went to pub wiv a m8 of mine in leeds over d summer & he sed he was kewl...even wen pished! lol

    how mad is it that hes like 40yrs old! :)
  9. Damocles

    Damocles Registered User

    Mar 18, 2002
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    I can't fucking wait i'm almost pissing myself with excitement :D :D

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