Inter Milan *cunts* Bunch of cheating bastards ! They call themselves pro's and the fucking act on like that ?? Newcastle United did the North East proud last night even if they didnt get the win they needed - i hope them cunts that call themselves pro's in there team and mainly Sergio Conceicao who to me deserves a fucking long ban for they way he went on - what a fanny ! Shearer again proved he is still one of the best going even @ his age - i thought in fact apart from maybe1 or 2 players they all played well and Olivier Bernard must be laughing @ not going to West Ham earlier this season My mam said it was rather touchy in the ground and the way they went on, apparently there was police escorts from the moment they landed n then to there hotel and then into city centre. From there she said they treat the Newcastle fans like shit throwing them about into the gates to get in - she said that the Police also turned a blind eye to the constant missile throwing and then flares into the Newcastle end - seems shit about that drinks ban too for all fans ! I think Italian police by the sounds of it need to get a grip the grumpy cunts ! Anyways well done Bobby (again) and well done Newcastle United !
70s and 80s english football had a reputaion 4 being football hooligans. the european championships didnt help much. so everytime a english club goes into europe were treated like shit and hooligans........but 34 italyons cant b wrong. as the song goes.
Im glad her and her fella are back ok and so are yourselves and all the other toon fans ! To me it looked like it was 2 too a seat in the toon end then ya get them whistling bastards here n there ! Ive been so pissed off today at them cheating twats - they deserve to have points deducted and not for the fact that we need it to happen but coz of the way they go on - the referee should of known before the match what to expect and he fucking acted like a joke ! Big no fucking score to Inter or the officials !
I had no problems with the police???? thye were freindly and i found the people of milan ok??? The milan fans were a fucking disgrace!!
The police weren't that friendly. At the end of the game when they kept us in for more than half an hour they were using baton's on fan's at the front. Plus they did fuck all to their fan's when they threw all the shit on us. When they threw the flare at us, one of the ploicemen saw who it was and they still never did anything. The policeman had his finger pointing at him and all they had to do was radio to one of the other policemen in that part of the ground.
Watchin it on tele, it would have been mental to be in that section of the crowd, looks like it was a great experience, at the start of the game i thought the ref was doing well with the italians diving for free kicks, then he stopped after about 15 mins and then began one of the shittest ref performances i've seen this year.
I saw the bloke who threw it. I was looking up at the crowd to the left of me and all of a sudden this bloke stood up, lit this flare and threw it straight at us. It looked like it was coming straight for me, but it ended up landing about 8 yard's away, I nearly shit myself. It was still class in there though, brilliant experience.
Just got back to day from Milan/ Beirut what a dissapointment the city was it was dirty and horrible i would have been gutted if i went there for hols i was expecting a top notch city when there was only really one nice area near the cathedral and all the designer shops , we got charged 28 quid for 4 beers in one the bars down that way too mega expensive The Match was Amzing just spoilt by cheating italian wankas and a shit ref !! but the atmosphere was great !! apart from there supporters where pissing in bottles and throwing into the toon supporters thou and then the flare thing happened and coins and that came down too fuking animals if that happened over here they would be hell on but apart from that some quality chants from the lads like "Have you ever seen a makem in milan " and "where in milanio sunderlands going down you know " great stuff !! and on the way out Vieri drove past a load of geordies in his porshce waving at us all one of the lads spat on his car and tried to get in it calling him a cheating italian cunt he nearly shit himself i thouhght it was going to kik off with the police but they didnt seem to be arsed must have been AC supporters so we had a good time all in all apart from the inter supporters and city being filthy it was class just a shame we never got the win we deserved