Impossible to tell. Started when I was about 15, and used to get pissed easily so it didn't cost much.. then I started clubbing which brought the prices of what I drank at parties up by about 300%. Then my tolerance went up so I was drinking twice as much, and 3 times etc etc. These days, with the price of drink and the amount it takes to get me pissed, I have no idea That said, I've definitely spent more on food than I have on alcohol I'm sure.
it was a brillant question, yet very hard to answer... been pubbing and clubbing most wkend since i was like 17 or summit, am 27 this year.. so that 10 yrs doing the business....normal blowing about 50-80 per wkend... the bank balance has suffered at times... BUT IS ALLL GOOOOOD....
You cant put a price on enjoying yourself. .... heavy drinking also doubles as a good insurance policy against not needing to have any kind of pension, since your guaranteed to pop your clogs well before, or just after retirement age. So your saving money in the long term.
i dont reckon i hav spent that much. i used to drink loads when i was younger but since i discovered class A's and a certain class C i never drank when i went out. its only been the last 6 months that i hav started drinkin when i go out.