Important question of the day (sarcasm alert) Are Bombay Bad Boy pot noodles hot in your opinion? I reckon 'yes' but my double hard bitch of a girlfriend claimes she's eaten hotter salads? What do you think?
nah, it must be all you pussy blokes who cant handle a bit of pepper, aww bless. our dog ate some, but it was so hot she kept yelping and running away but then comin back again. that amused us for a good few hours. it aint hot, its just blokes cant hack it *prepares for male shovanist onslaught of "wey man i can eat the hottest curry 'rund ere, im a reet man me like"(raar)*
The actual noodle bit aint roasting imo... but when you add that extra sauce stuff! it blows your head off! :spangled:
All Pot Noodles are rank! Dunno how anyone can class them as food!!! Should stop being so lazy and cook something propper!