I'm trying to start up a promotions company in the area

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DirtyRabbit, Aug 10, 2010.

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  1. DirtyRabbit

    DirtyRabbit Online promotions manager

    Aug 8, 2010
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    I'm trying to start up a promotions company in the area

    Hi guys, I'm trying to get into the promotions biz in the Newcastle area. I'm starting uni there this year and I've created my own social network site which will primarily be targeting all other students (and general 18-30's generation) in the region. I'm originally from the area.

    Our goal is to host our own club nights in the town but because we have no contacts and little experience we want to start small. Our site is where all promoters can advertise their events to a captive audience so we would like to talk to interested promoters and maybe get involved behind the scenes with some events ourselves.

    I think there is the potential for a lot of cross-promotion for anyone who is interested. If not then maybe just pointers on how to get started?

    Greatly appreciated, Adam
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Chewy

    Chewy I'd fist it

    Nov 16, 2002
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    The Bronx
    so its bit like this website crossed with facebook?
  4. DirtyRabbit

    DirtyRabbit Online promotions manager

    Aug 8, 2010
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    yeah, but also crossed with a few other sites that are good like collegehumour etc. I kinda started the site because i was bored a fed up with facebook, my site specifically targets our generation whereas fb (although useful) is generic and appeals to noone.

    I also want to be big on events (starting with club nights, then weekend trips to amsterdam etc, then trips to ibiza etc and then hopefully festivals) and maybe even a fashion line at somepoint. Ambitious, maybe too ambitious.
  5. Willa

    Willa Registered User

    Dec 7, 2006
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    I'll give you one piece of constructive advice before things get a bit more serious, change the name because it's fucking shite :up:
  6. DirtyRabbit

    DirtyRabbit Online promotions manager

    Aug 8, 2010
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    Well that's a matter of opinion.

    Everything about the site (including the name) has been based on what the users have wanted.

    Feel free to offer up opinions of the site and its features or whatever and we'll take it on board but its a bit late for a re-branding i think.
  7. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
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    The Beach
    ah, dont talk to me about rebranding :facepalm:
  8. Rory Space

    Rory Space Gonny wreck yir fucking hoose Sweat tits

    Nov 21, 2007
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    South Shields
    I admire you're ambition, you can never be to ambitious (although some people may say otherwize) but thats usually because they have none to begin with

    Not exactly what you came on here to hear lol but hope all goes well anyway, I'm sure theres someone around who can help out :up:
  9. Chewy

    Chewy I'd fist it

    Nov 16, 2002
    Likes Received:
    The Bronx
    Just had a quick look and I'm not sure what to make of it to be honest. I know its in its early stages but the layout reminds me of mujao.com. which has died on its arse... thats if it even built an arse in the first place. It all just seems a bit basic and boring at the moment.

    As for promoters advertising their events. will there be a cost involved?
    what style of club night are you wanting to do (music styles, type of venue etc)?
  10. DirtyRabbit

    DirtyRabbit Online promotions manager

    Aug 8, 2010
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    Not quite the response I was expecting but grateful for the advice anyway!

    (about the design)
    It actually takes a lot of effort to make a site full of features look basic and that's what I want, sites that are cluttered or too 'busy' generally don't fair well. The overwhelming response so far has been very positive.

    (about music/venues)
    My passion is trance (pure and unadulterated). But our events arn't set on a single genre, our users will hopefully be varied and therefore all genres are on the cards.
  11. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
    Likes Received:
    The Beach
    there's a place on melbourne street in town, open a clubnight called promise, then start a messege board called promise always - fast forward 10 years and your basically here now.

    (can't believe it's been nearly 10 years of the board :eek: )
  12. Chewy

    Chewy I'd fist it

    Nov 16, 2002
    Likes Received:
    The Bronx
    you can make a site look basic and good though or you can make a website look basic and dull. The colour puts me off for a start.

    I can see where the idea has come from its like all the social networking sites mixed into one. Which is a good idea and could work well as long as its not just full of men perving on women? Will it have privacy settings?.

    As for promoters advertising their events. will there be a cost involved?

    Have you considered what night you will run your events? have you looked into what clubs nights are already in Newcastle and what they are doing? as your probably going to have to do something different to what is already there.
  13. WorldonFire

    WorldonFire No Pressure

    Jan 11, 2007
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    hahahaha i was not expecting some uber K00l rabbits on the homepage.

    it sounds/looks more like a swingers group for oddballs :lol::lol:
  14. adam.

    adam. kthxbi

    Dec 10, 2003
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    Isn't what your trying to do already being done by dontstayin or resident advisor?
  15. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    The name is a little weak - as some have pointed out already, it sounds more like a swingers site than a social networking site. You want a name that sticks in people's heads and in their mouths. Imagine telling someone down the pub that you've just found a site called dirtyrabbit and it's cool, and what their reaction would be, and you get the picture.

    From your site name it looks like you're more into the commercial side of nights out (bambu, sea, mushroom, gate etc). If you want to include both commercial and specialist music nights on your site, you might need that rebrand so that the name can be accepted by both. You could always give your site two names that are acceptable to each side of the fence - dirtyrabbit for those who prefer the biggmarket, the gate, and apartment/tup tup etc, and another name for those who prefer going to dance events. Both domain names could link to the same site.

    As for ideas for getting people onto the site? What about taking photos at local nights for free and posting them up on your site? People can then join up and tag themselves in the photos, bringing traffic and visitors in. If you manage to cover every night going (no easy feat), you could turn your site into a local hub for nights and who goes to them. A local take on dontstayin could be very popular. Just a thought, can appreciate if it's not the direction you want to go in :)

    The front page could do with some more work - it looks alright, but it doesn't show you whats being posted by your users or if there's any activity, which may put people off from signing up.. From our home page you can see what people have posted recently in every forum. It used to be set up to show the top ten most recent threads, and people could click on one of the links to go through to the forum and see what people were saying.

    Don't try to compete with facebook - use it to your advantage. We've got facebook integration on this site to make it easier for users to register and start posting. Instead of filling in a massive form with your name, email, and trying to get past all the anti-spam measures, you type in your facebook email, password, and proposed nickname and you're away. As an optional extra, this site can post items on people's walls and send them notifications when they post threads and reply to posts (although this is optional rather than enforced as it can do people's tits in). Do something similar with yours and people can see your site being used by their friends on facebook - that might draw them in to have a look.

    As for starting an event... that depends which side of the fence you're on, commercial or specialist music. Either way you need to come up with an event which is something that isn't currently catered for by any of the other nights in town - you need to find a niche. If you find yourself describing your night by comparing it to another event (it's like shindig but with lasers, or like detox but with more dogs on string, or like koosday but with decent DJs), then it isn't really unique and it needs a rethink.

    I noticed you're into trance - not sure if thats what you're going to base your night around, but it will be really hard work if you do. Very few nights locally have done well out of trance - Promise, Evolve (and recently transfusion) are the ones that have done alright, but there are plenty that have fallen by the wayside, and not always through any fault of their own. When you're up against massive national brands playing monthly at digital (Gatecrasher, Godskitchen, etc) and big world-famous DJs, the local trance nights and events tend to suffer.

    Regardless of what you do, if you're going to pull it off there's lots of hard work involved and I wish you the best of luck :up:
  16. Chewy

    Chewy I'd fist it

    Nov 16, 2002
    Likes Received:
    The Bronx
    if you cater for commercial and specialist music will they not just abuse each other?

    scouse house crew v indie kids for example
  17. DirtyRabbit

    DirtyRabbit Online promotions manager

    Aug 8, 2010
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    "The name is a little weak " - love it or hate it it's already sparked debate here which is what a name should do! It means there's more people talking about it and means people are less likely to forget it.

    "Will it have privacy settings?" - yes, there are a few different types of friends you can have, you can have different privacy settings for each. FB is getting flamed for their privacy (or lack of) so we are taking that on board. And sleezy old men are not allowed! The general rule is, no kids, no old people.

    "will there be a cost involved?" - Any member can create events and make them available for all to see and join. At some point we will set up a 'featured events' space where you could pay a small fee to get more exposure to your events.

    "have you looked into what clubs nights are already in Newcastle and what they are doing?" - I've been out of the region for quite a while so need to start doing a lot of research on this.

    "What about taking photos at local nights for free and posting them up on your site?" - that's actually a really good idea.

    "it doesn't show you whats being posted by your users or if there's any activity, which may put people off from signing up" - fair point. Our intentions are to have many rooms (or forums) with many threads so i don't think this would be feasible, there's a lot more going on than forums too. However, a couple of photos or people in clubs could be a good addition.

    "As for starting an event... that depends which side of the fence you're on" - you've kinda hit the nail on the head, the site is divided into 2 halves, the 'Naughty side' and the 'Nice side' so the nice events could be the commercial nights (probably to students on weekdays) and for the naughty I'm even considering trying to organise some raves maybe down the docks or somewhere the cops arn't gonna find. I have some mates who do their own raves down south which are pretty mental. Could be tricky though, especially not knowing the people or place well enough.

    "When you're up against massive national brands playing monthly at digital" - that's right, so you can either try and make a local night 'survive' or you can work your bollocks off and get national recognition and then compete in the big league. I think just trying to survive is a waste of time and effort.

    We are not putting on events and then trying to find people to go to them, we are finding people who want to go to events and then selling them ours.

    "Regardless of what you do, if you're going to pull it off there's lots of hard work involved and I wish you the best of luck" - thanks. We're gonna need it.
  18. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    I admire your enthusiasm and drive.

    The world is full of people who are always gonna tell you that something aint worth doing.

    Ignore them :)
  19. DirtyRabbit

    DirtyRabbit Online promotions manager

    Aug 8, 2010
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    cheers fella!
  20. Chewy

    Chewy I'd fist it

    Nov 16, 2002
    Likes Received:
    The Bronx
    The photo idea could be a good one you could build up an online user base through the photos tagging etc and then hit them with events. The privacy settings sound good, i like the fact you can set different settings for different people depending on what you want them to see. You can do that with facebook but its a right fuck on.

    You still nedd to change the colour scheme though ;)
  21. james909

    james909 Registered User

    Feb 24, 2004
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    Last Train To No Where.
    Be sure though that numbers dewindle over the years and the young ethusthtic clubbers who stay on board become cynical seen it all before types, who put down now members and lament for better days.

    In between been actual quite funny sometimes.

    As for your illegal rave idea, we don't have docks we have the quayside, if your going to try good luck to and get clued up on the law regarding section 63 about excesive noise especially in a bulit up area and also read up on the Criminal Justice act if your help promte such events.

    No sane free party organisers would use Facebook or a similar site to tell poeple about party especially with what happen on Squatjuice.

    Partys off the beaten track happen up here quite regulary so don't make the mistake a lot students do by not getting to know locals, they may have funny northern accents and take the piss but by enlarge know what they are doing regarding venue's and partys as they are here all year round so get them involved as well.

    Good luck, but be realastic and set up a decent business model you have a lot of compation and to get poeple to chose your site over one as established as facebook is going to be hard.

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