Im sure this is just a southern thing but… Please tell me if it happens up north, cos I find it really funny. But its getting to the stage where your average white teenager, from say my ghetto of Harrow, is strutting about if hes some Caribbean Gangster… Seriously, words like: that, this, going and hit turn into: dat, dis, gwarnin and bust yo clut... everyone s doing this! I think Westwood plays a large contribution to this! I wont be long before every white man in London is talking like that, scary thought eh? Im not saying theres anything wrong with that accent when used by the appropriate person, but what the hell is goin on with people trying to imitate it? Yeah yeah wot? check dis out man, im ruud (makes suckin noise thru pursed lips). what u wanna peice of me, come heres now, so i can bust your lip yeah?
no it's not just a southern thing..........unfortunatley 4 us........... i've seen a fair few in the metro wif da bling bling's on......... it fucking makes me laff............. u also get the asian's who act & dress like they r rappers!!! u know u've hit the jackpot when they tell u they're gonna pop a cap in ur asssssssss!!!
Theres nowt wrong wif westwood. Imatations are bad though. Dont have many in Edinburgh but know wat u mean. Was out the other nite and sum guy was wearin an elastoplast on his cheek. But it wernt a small rectangular one it was a hooj square Oh dear
really far out, i thought it was just a London thing... come what come what whos bussin wi me yeah, what u give me da eye for man? wan' me to come gi u a slap to your headside? you don' knoow me, i switch i switch...
i thought it was espesh funny when i was in revolution a few weeks bk.. with my bad luck it was rnb night or whatever... anyway.. rood boys a plenty.. all walkin with a limp in there step being tru gangstas....drinkin the cris??... nah.... all drinkin poncy alcopops/cocktails.
lmao @ the plaster!!! i was on hol in malia & there was this lil prat dressed up to the nines wif his string vest & bling blings.....not only that but he also had a bandana type thing tied round his head the wrong way..........i have never seen anything so hilarious in my life............. specially when he went out to the street seller & bought his missus a red rose.....ruined his street cred there then!!
Had a glass of cristal the other nite. Aint to bad. Wudnt be buyin it and pourin it on the floor though
looks like they've been knee capped which is why they're soooooooooooo hard & roooooooooooooooood now!!
Re: Im sure this is just a southern thing but… its the roodbwoy phenomenon, innit. its nuff happnin in brum too.
bling bling is the crack head!!!! totally fucked up. T-Bone is the crack dealer!! Steve Irvin is Bumhunter!!!!!!
prime example... the "dj" in lovedough at ikon... u think its some big black guy til you look over and see this little asian guy (visor upside down, basketball shirt, copious amonts of lizzie duke "bling") leaping around on top of a crate of red stripe shoutin "yeh yeh yeh dis is da lovedough init! bumbaclaut! is ya aal avin a good party at the lovedough... wickiiiid! aaal da fine laydeez in da house say bo!" yeh.. dat shits sick init... doggie you seem very familiar with 'da' lingo u been practisin white bwoy?
do u know where i can get a hold of bumfights? had it wen i was in america last year but some pikey tiefed it... can u buy it in the uk?