I'm sooooo old skool..... I can remember when the message board was: http://members.hostedscripts.com/board.cgi?user=promisechat *puts away his vicks* heh Where did all the old members go?
don't get all misty eyed about the old board, used to be a faaakin nighmare searching through, especially if there were loadsa posts.
lol but on the plus side people used to pretend they were me and post witty comments like "I fancy H" oh the humour!!!!
haha i was thinking or registering your name before u smarte , then sell it back to u but relised i didnt have a chance of getting in before u ..
lol, rob are u bored, going back to threads from 2001? hehehe, i saw that board, and thought i aint joinin that!! then i went on two days later, and this board was up