I'm sick of.... Hearing people say this site is boring, full of crap, full of twats etc etc. If you find it so boring why don't you stop reading it? I find horse racing boring therefore I don't watch it, it's not that fucking complex for you is it? I have spent and will continue to spend alot of time running this site and I find it rude and ignorant of people telling me this site is shit and boring. News flash, if it's shit it's not down to me or Mark or any of the Promise staff, it's down to you the users. If you think it's shit there are two ways forward... 1. Do something about it. 2. Shut the fuck up. I'm more than happy to discuss anything we can do to improve this site, even if that means extra work because I still believe in this site, this community, Promise as a whole and I want the message board to be as good as it can be. We used to be known for being a civil and caring bunch (cept pike) of people who came together due to our love of clubbing and music. These days we seem to be a bunch of moaners.
Nicely said. Some of us appreciate it. I've met loads of quality people on this board and I'll always be grateful for that.
as i said the other day aye - why do people insist on coming on here and just moaning? theres really no need - the thing i find BORING and SHIT with the board these days is exactly that...people moaning and saying its shit... i dont think it is at all tbh!! if i did i wouldnt use it (and i think the same is true for every1 else!) must be something good about it to make you all keep coming back day after day..?
If anyone thinks it shit, i agree, fuck off the lot of ya lol, i read the board cause i enjoy going to promise, simple as..
Nail on the head. It's really weird how there's so much negativity, insulting and all the rest and yet when I go out I have a fucking good time. I like what we've got. I love who I know and what I hear, most of the time. The only thing I don't like is attitudes - it's all fake bollocks on the board. No one's like that in Promise, ever. People need to respect this board, Promise and what goes on that we don't see which makes it what it is. Also - something I feel the need to point out. If people come across in a certain way over the net, it doesn't mean they are stupid, or a dick in real life. I'm talking about spelling mistakes, CAPITAL LETTERS (which is annoying) and just people's 'tone of text' on the net. You can't hear someone's tone of voice and it's sometimes hard to judge. What I'm getting at is people use all of the above to pre-judge people, and piss-ripping sometimes comes of it. Was just saying the other day: Play nice!
Fair play Rob and Mark, I have said that the sites been shit It has its days tho! Its good to get in touch with people that you dont see often tho and sometimes its the best crack.
Couldnt agree more!!!!! This is EXACTLY how it is!!!!! Lets just hope people realsie and start having a word with themselves ey?! The FACT is that yet again people will sit back and smirk - say im arse licking - but the FACT is i couldnt give a shit!! What was said above is TRUE and every1 knows it...just some refuse to admit it
I'll add my 2 cent seeing as though I get blamed for the jewish holacaust nevermind the problems of this baord I think every1 is massively over-reacting, this is and always has been a messageboard - nothing more nothing less, it does Promise a shit laod of favours but promise wouldn't go tits up without it... Some of you need a serious reality check and sense of proportion, every 4 - 5 months, a new wave come and the old wave go... during this period every1 moans about how boring it is and how its not like it used to be, then 1 month later every1 is saying how its better than ever.... THIS ISN'T THE FIRST TIME THIS HAS HAPPENED! I also think I'm the scape goat... pretty blonde boys are easy targets... Get a grip people I one person can not single handedly take on 1000 members and scare them all off, corrupt them,rape their partners and convert them to judaism. Even I am not egotistical enough to believe I can reek that much havoc p.s. I haven't heard any1 (bar a disgruntled promoter) slate promise or quality in a long long time.
Only about 1/10th of those members actually use the board reguarly, and everyone knows your name but its for all the wrong reasons. To be fair you're one of the biggest dicks on the board. You deffo never used to be like that, and if you're going to continue why bother? Find a messageboard that interests you or sort it out!
Nass this board interests me... i wouldn't post if it didn't. Not every1 is going to like me... not my problem. but get a grip you can't blame me for all the so called problems....
I know what you mean and ur being daft. You want a list of the people I've harshed over the last 2 months Amyblah & Rufus - I can see why this was percieved as bullying, but even they know it was tongue in cheek now. Juski - as above. Ezee - no comment. Johnson - Are you forgetting the 100 other people who took the piss? And he's back and knows it was a bit of messagebaord bante.r There is always going to be banter on a messageboard... it isn't bullying or nastyness - its just internet banter
Nass your not going to get on with every1 in life.... if u don't like my posts don't read them - simple