Im not going to Promise!... Could this be the reason why Promise has had a less than full attendance?
it's a possibility ken but at the same time why let 1 person influence ur nite out.................if ppl wanna be sheep then let them get on with it.....sad bastards that they r!!! simple as i didn't go cos i am skint........can't afford all nites ou ti wanna go to so have to sacrifice sum..........
this wasnt one person, this was three pages of it... fair do's if u cant afford it, or dont enjoy a particular dj, or have something else on, but when a "guest" comes on here to see what "next fri" might have in store, to read that 50 people aint going for so n so reason cannot be good puiblicity. Like its been said before, i dont think peoples opinions should be censored or held back, if put across correctly... this is just gonna blow Promise's status right out the window though... I wonder how many people go "oh so and so s not going, therefore i wont." More than what u d think is my guess!
aye i suppose u have a point.............still seems a bit pathetic to think that ppl r staying away cos of what they've read...... admittedly it can't b very good to come on & read it & it may influence sum ppl but FFS.....use ya own mind & if ya wanna go, fucking go.........don't let what sum stranger has put on a msge board influence ya into not going............ or if by chance u do know them........give them a quick back hand & tell them to shut it!!! or drag 'em along.......
Seems pathetic, yes, but its gonna happen. Unfortunately to people not on the board, we are the only idea they will have of what Promise is really like! U see a film trailor, it looks like the dogs bollocks of a film, but then a couple of weeks later you pick up a magazine and read that the film is shite and not worth going to see, many people will take that for gold, and not go... Fair enough you may not be influenced by what others say, but i think to some extent most people are.
can c ya point but at the same time ppl should go to make up their own minds.............def bout promise but poss not bout crap films!!
agreed, this doesnt put a good light on things in the circumstances. Those threads are meant to be filled with people saying there going, and what they looking forward to!
I didn't go last night because I never intended to...but...I have to say that I the board did give me the impression that it was going to be quiet. I know the board is only supposed to make up about 10% of the crowd, but it generally gives some idea of what it's going to be like...unless you look at the Matt 5 hour night..where there was good feedback from the board members but not many in the club.
That's part of the reason I didn't go as well. On the other hand tho, I'd like to know who was and wasn't going because I don't want to go and know no one there. It also has the opposite effect when everyone is looking forward to going.
i know that most of the old board people in our group of friends have just ran out of money!! i think first year of uni there was only something there was only about 2 weeks i didnt go to promie and crasher but i cannot even afford to travel up to newcastle every weeked this year, let alone go to promise!! but the board is bigger now so there are people from all over the place on here, so they aint able to go ever week!!
Message Boards breed cynicalism. Message Boards create issues that shouldn't be there about clubs and clubland in general.
Im startting to worry about promise. i go most weeks did'nt go on fri, but i cant remeber the last time they was a gud turnout in promise. it really is a shame as promise is a gud club people dont seem to b turing out these days. not sure what the answer is???
I've stopped going due to lack of funds and a general lack of interest in the line up's, not that they aint good but i would rather spend my money going to places i aint been before and to see new DJ's.
fair point it is always gud to go to new clubs. i do hope the turnouts for promise improve it's a shame to c a gud club go downhill