im in new york!!! hallo all that know me, im in new york, my hotel is the marriott times square, its class im right time square id love to see this plasma screen in times square at promise!!! ill be goin to cometogether and the 4th bday, so ill c u all there, ill be back on wed night, back to friggin wrk on thur mornin, nice 5 day break tho!!!, i fnd a record shop that sells trance too im gonna have to visit that, SATELLITE RECORDS. will be able to pick up some cheap cd decks there!!
and your on the messageboard??? get down to breakbeatscience - orchard street off houston.. lower east side.. very very good british/irish/american shop not quite sure on the trance side of things but theres some really good small clothes shops down there anyway...
i'm well jealous ur in new yourk...wud love to go there but why are u on a message board when theres better things to b doing?