If your taking Penicillin, anti-histamines, ibruprofen and paracetemol all at the same time does this render you unable to consume alcohol? cheers in advance ;-)
i dont know about anti-histamines but its ok to drink on the rest of them, the penecillin might not be as effective as it should be though
Aye thats the one i was worried about, think its mean't to make you feel proper drowzy, might be able to work that too an advantage in some capacity though
Aslong as your not necking shots of sambuca and jaegermeister you should be alright, just take your time a bit (easier said than done)
Nah you will be fine, the penicillin won't work but apart from that you shouldnt feel any ill effects, its not like your on augmentum or anything that strong.
A friend from work is on some of the strongest anti-histamines or a high dose or something and she reckons she always gets a really bad hangover if she drinks a small amount - one bottle of Magners last night and she's in agony today. Other than that you'll be fine apart from the penicillin won't work like NC says.
I've been taking anti-histamines and getting pissed for years now.. never had any bad reactions and it's rare that I get a hangover, even though I get shitfaced. Don't tell a chemist that you're gonna be drinking on them otherwise they won't sell them to you.. but I don't know why that is I've never noticed a difference.
neither of those will be affected by alcohol. the fact that antibiotics don't work when you drink is a complete myth, and alcohol does not compromise the effectiveness of antibiotics in any capacity. there's only one antibiotic (i can't remember which one it is but it's pretty obscure) which you can't drink alcohol with, and that's because of an enzyme interaction with alcohol dehydrogenase. all the rest you're fine with, but make sure you're taking an antihistamine that doesn't cause drowsiness, as that plus the sedative effects of alcohol could be bad. with paracetamol, be careful you don't take too much as it's pretty gnarly in overdose with respect to impairment of liver function. the risk of this is only increased by alcohol, so if you drink loads, knock the paracetamol on the head and take ibuprofen instead. try to stear clear of aspirin when you're drinking because it also acts as an anticoagulant. heed that advice and you'll be reet.
What's the crack with non-drowsy anti-histamines anyway? I bought two boxes from the same manufacturer, same price... are the ones that make you drowsy more effective?
Just go for it man! I don't think any of those are effected by alcohol cosumption and only a minority of antibiotics respond abnormally.
Wish the same could be said for my bugle dealer, talk the hind legs off a donkey would be an understatement.
this will bore the tits off you but here's the answer... when antihistamines were first introduced into clinical use they were non-selective and bound both histamine h1 receptors (which control immune response) and h2 receptors (which control cns functions). this has proven to be pretty dangerous in the past, especially in people who have hayfever and operate heavy machinery, etc. Second-generation antihistamines are either prodrugs (metabolised to an active form in the liver) or are highly ionised at physiological pH, so they don't cross the blood-brain barrier and can't act at h2 receptors, so don't cause drowsiness but still decrease autoimmune response to hypersensitivity. this makes them selective for h1 receptors which makes them efficacious for their actual purpose. so non-drowsy ones are usually better and more expensive (£3.50 i paid for 7 tablets the other week)!
My tit's are now gone Cheers for that.. I was always curious about them. Sometimes I feel like being drowsy though so I buy both kinds
i had an exam on terfenadine the other day, thought i'd write down some of the stuff i remembered to make it look like i've actually learnt something over the last three years! i wrote all that whilst absolutely battered this morning too, i'd just got in from my summer ball. skills.
Its been probably the worst hangover i've ever had today. Got to bed about 8 this morning had about 2 hours kip and felt all day like i've been fighting hatton in a boxing ring with me wearing a man utd shirt and no arms or hands, proper limbless and fucked. I said to myself early on today that i'm laying off it for a while now, its got to a point where the drink is dictating my life and it has to stop imo, there is just no need for it. A line needs to be crossed under the alcohol consumation and i need to start growing up and acting my age, its for the best. Taxi to town is booked for 9 oclock if anyone is interested.
Willa, If you have just finished your finals you should already be prepared for the next 2 maybe 3 months of non stop bbq and beer, have fun as the real world comes next