If you lived and worked over in Kuwait Wpuld you have left already to come back to the UK? From the news, some have, some have decided to stick it out What would you have done? Remember your whole livelyhood is out there, your job and everything, it must take alot for you to leave all that behind and come back to the UK, even if temporilary with nothing I dunno what I would do
why wud u want to stay out there & put yourselves at risk from being kidknapped or killed in revenge attacks?
as if the iraqis are gonna beable to get into kuwait… I crave for a little sense of adventure, and I don’t really get it here.
it's not just iraqui's tho, it's that part of the world in general!! then again!! the kuwaities r not gonna b that willing to help the iraqui's!!!
Ok, imagine you're a family, Im sure plane tickets dont come cheap, especially at the last minute, you're talking a couple of grand there You'll have to depend on the rest of your family because your house is in kuwait, you have nowhere in the UK to live, you left that all behind you You left your job out there, where's your income going to come from? You dont know how long before you could return back to kuwait. I doubt you would beable to get access to your funds in Kuwait, basically you come to the UK, youre up shit creek without a paddel, I wouldnt like to be in that situation if I had a family to look after or not
i wudn't wanna b in their situation either but i bet the uk governemnt will help them out.......if not they bloody should cos it's the governments fault they're in danger in the 1st place!!
If you were working for a British/European/US company, most would pay for your flights back (and for your family, though a lot of families stay in the UK anyway). Also, a lot of ex-pats get additional money for living expenses out there, meaning they can still keep a house in the UK. If they were working for a non-Kuwaiti company, then they would probably not have to lose their jobs ultimately, just get re-located, or returned to Kuwait once the war is over (depending on the outcome). Given all this, I would get the hell out of there!
Most of the earn big bucks TAX FREE! So lets hope they stay here (UK) longer than 90 days, so they become taxable, after all there is war to pay for.
We will probs make lot of money back from the redevelopment of the county after we bombed the shit out of it!!! After all War can be a profit making exercise!!!