If you could be... If you could be absoluty anywhere doing absolutly anything, with absolutly anybody, right now, at this moment, where and what and who would it be? Forget that you have work and children and other responisbilites for a minute. I would be on a beach, in Jamaica, reading a book, and listening to the sound of the sea and the tinny music coming from my left where the man of my dreams is sunbathing on his front and listening to his choons. (Sorry, just bored and cold.)
I would be in the beer garden of our local, sun shining, with my best friends and a pint....listening to happy summer songs....and :chill:
Well, I would be in Jamaica...:chill: would be good...after the sex that will be had as the sun starts to set of course.
Re: Re: If you could be... Sorry...just laughing at the thought of the two of them with their shirts off. Nah, the man of my dreams is the man of my days aswell. (And he will get such an ego boost when he reads this...damn men :inlove: )
Re: Re: Re: Re: If you could be... Bit too scrawny for my liking, I like my men cuddly. Spence, David doesn't use the board as such, he just likes to see what i've been up to all day and why the pile of ironing is getting higher and higher. (I'll do it thursday!)
Having a barbeque and cocktial party on a private island in jamaca or barbados, with nice yellow sand, clear blue sea, with my nearest and dearest, oh and a couple of jet skis......not sitting at this shit hole job staring at a message board thats for sure!!!
hmm, sitting in a jacuzzi in the blazing sunshine with a glass of veuve clicot, in our ibiza villa, being skinny and tanned, while funky house is playing in the back. mmmmmmmmm
Pub. Nah id have said Skiiing in the Alps but its a little too late at night for that......unless i went skiing in candada.....so that it is