IE7 - Annoying. Really wound up with this like!! I know its beta and so cant really complain that much but does anyone know where you can tweak the setting for viewing sucure and non-secure websites.... trying to look at my bill on 02 and keep getting pop up saying internet explorer has blocked this website from displaying non-secure content you can click to enable the blocked content but you have to do it everytime you click anythin and it doesnt always load up. Ive put 02 in my trusted sites, tried it with pop up blocker off tried it with allow all cookies and ive looked tho the custom settings in the security settings in internet tools, still this foookin message appears. Gonna go back to IE6 if i cant get it sorted so any help please!
interesting... i love how people are so close minded when it come to technology... if it's not "XBOXS ROCK" and "NO, PS2's KICK ASS" it's "XP IS SHIT" and "NO, MAC IS WANK" or "YOUR PHONES SHIT AND MINES BETTER" it's now the old Firefox Vs. Internet Explorer arguement. I, personally, like both. How can u slate something without trying it? i admit, IE6 is full of holes - and when the source code got out- that made things worse. Now, IE7 is a completely re-written program, designed for Vista - ITS NEW. i'm not saying it won't be picked on and hacked - BUT don't u think microsoft will have taken things on board when re-writing this? I like to try everything and be a bit open minded. I like IE7 more than firefox - which for what i used it for, seemed a lot more buggy that IE6. i quite like MAC OS X, XBOXs aren't bad either.
sweet it is pretty snazzy like. does anyone know how they varify your copy of windows, cause surely even cracked version use serial numbers so, how does it differenciate between the two.
piss off spack attack jack. On serious note though i'm starting to love ie 7, thought it was a bit gay at first with everything in differentplaces but i've figured it out now and its