Idiotic Police Raid University Lecturers house by mistake Police on Tyneside have apologised to a university lecturer after riot officers mistakenly raided his family home. Dr Ike-Elechi Ogba said his wife and three young children were traumatised when officers broke down the door of his Newcastle home. Northumbira Police with their fresh hard on for cannabis farms have made themselfs looks like complete muppets What a bunch of fucking idiots, whats the chance some racist rang up a grass line and dobbed this poor brown brother in for growing weed es black sarg he must be upto no good Dont they have to have some sort of evidence before they go storming in and scarying pre-pube schoolgirls who are getting ready for school? Well Done Lads you have probably put the "fight aganist cannabis" back a few years. Arses will be flinching next time they ask for a warrent :clap:
He was sound as fuck, he used to take our marketing lectures!! His catchphrase ''yoou know cooooke,, the drink not the drug''