Ian Eckhert Any 1 know him on here? bout 5ft2, has a gimpy leg, alchy, hasn't had a shag since the late summer of 99?
he stalks a lads message board i know. saying stuff like 'homosexual much then flapjack' 'alright pet, come here often, zip, lob, stick this in your mouth pissflaps. lads 1 lasses 0' and he's from newcastle, so thought he might come on here he got ran over as a kid or something and has a peg leg?
His full name and msn addy were in his profile once. I only remember cos i signed it up to loads of shit on the net once.
he said he was out in boro like he was out with us on sat, got totally mortal and didn't make it to work on sunday as for retirement just wait till van dyk @ trees! he'll be knocking some serious shapes out