I wish this day would hurry up and end!! Or at least just get to 5pm! I wish id went to work this morning, but i dont think id have made it there without puking!!!!! Is it just me or is this day very very long???
Totally agree with you... This day is seriously dragging! Can't wait till 4.30... finish work, off to the gym then home for a bit kip.... I'm knackered. Bless ya for feeling ill...
I've been off ill the last two days, went in today though, as soon as I got in I wish I hadn't bothered. Managed to avoid doing any actual work though. Nipped home for a nice 2 hour lunch but will sneekily only put down 30 mins on me timesheet. Can't even be bothered to do my expenses...let along start on me flexi sheet. ...think I'll do it tomorro...put work off...I like that.
I know how you mean like. Found out only last night that I'm allowed to eat sugar free jelly on my Atkins diet, so I bought 6 packs Made a one up earlier and refrigerated it, want the damn thing to set!
on your what??? ive been sick a few times today, i burnt myself on the sun bed and now i have prickley heat, and to top it all off, ive got tooth aches, but not just one of them little kanine tooth things, oh no, its my very front tooth, and it hurts like hell!!!!!!
i didnt go into colege today and its pissing me off that theres nothing to do athome. ah well spaghetti for tea...i love spagbol
Ohh, do you need a filling...? Front teeth are the worst, the nasty needle goes into the roof of your mouth which is fairly tough, stings like a bitch it does.
nah, dont think i need a filling, i think my tooth is being sympathetic towards me. it decided to take my mind off my sore tummy, it would hurt me even more, thus making me forget about my icky tum and not feel sick anymore. how kind of it.