I used to believe... What people believed as kids or what they were lead to believe!! http://www.iusedtobelieve.com Some of them are just plain tight...
what!! if you pee in a swimming pool it doesnt turn the water purple??? WHAT? I have ALWAYS thought this was true until reading the site!!!!
they told me if I swallowed chewing gum it would wrap round my insides and kill me. So when I swallowed some by mistake I went and lay on the bed to wait to die and couldn't believe when I woke up next morning. After that the tooth fairy and Santa seemed a lot less likely
I used to believe that when i ran really fast i could just jump and glide for like 30 feet along the road before touching the ground again .... of course this became reality ion my teenage years for various reasons but im sure i managed to glide im positive i did !
My mother used to tell me not to leave the bathroom light on at night and leave the room, as it would burn the house down. (and might also make her get out of bed to turn it off herself, whichever works.) I never told her because i didn't want her to feel dumb, but we would have all been safe. We slept in waterbeds.
I just remembered that when i was a little nipper i used to think everyhitng in real life was black and white back in the day.. then all of a sudden there was colour hence colour pictures
I used to believe that if the grandfather clock at my grandparents house stopped ticking my grandad would die.