I think this board is the........ ......"observer" newspaper of the clubbing boards. It so serious on here most the time, if a thread is slightly random and a little bit different, it dies and gets forgotten about, but if a thread is serious, about politics and racism, it goes mad!! im not complaining, this board has learnt me quite alot since i joined it, its was just an observation (no pun intended!)
Re: I think this board is the........ i ve been thinkin exactly the same, hence all my stupid as fuck posts and threads...
i agree. i really enjoy the intelligent debate we have here, however some more 'fun' wouldnt go amiss. we can make it happen
dont get me wrong, im not complaining about the amount of "fun" we have on here, but i dont very often see a good heated debate about plitics on say the gurn or crasher board, maybe a heated debate about who is more "butters" than who, or who are better, the cybers or the try hards, but never a debate about racisim or other stuff u c on here! its quite nice in a way, but sometimes some ppl need to lighten up a bit!
personally i d like to have a random day to day forum, and a more serious stuff forum, and dump the humour forum...
eek, thinkin about it i've been really bitchy to folk in my posts recently....espesh geordie, ( sorry mate, bit stressed at the mo!!) ok, i promise,pun intended , to post only happy shinny, clean your teeth posts from now on
yeah they do that on 4clubbers and it works well cos you don't get twats putting stupid comments in serious posts, and if you're not interested in reading random shite that people have posted for a laugh, you dont have to wade through loads of threads.
we need a humor forum or my dolls wud clog up the normal forum! if ur not interested, dont look...that simple! i dont like serious threads, they use big words and confuse me. and kerry darling, its taught. sorry. one of my pet hates is people who say learnt instead of taught, won instead of beat and leant instead of borrowed.
Everyday life is a mixture of fun and seriousness, so why dont we replicate that here...instead of keeping the shits and giggles in they re own special forum, away from the more serious stuff? I thought the humour forum would be a good idea ages ago, which is why its now there, now i regret having that idea, because it gets boring joke after joke after joke, its much more fun to be reading a discussion on something, refreshing the pages to find someones stuck a decent joke in... Not i fancy something funny now i ll go and look in the other forum.
i do, but i cant afford to buy it..(its expensive) so i only get 50 uploads and the board is a nice way to show my friends my artwork seeing as all but about 5 of my mates use the board
I agree with glitter There ar'nt enough funny aspects on the board anymore!!! This could b due 2 the fact that i think b4 a reply