I think I must be pissed I just finished my wine so I got another bottle and tried to pour a glass without even taking the cork out! My parents just pissed themselves at me
ive done that beforeits well funny but i'll tell you wat isnt funny when youve drunk one bottle and go for the second and the corkscrew spaps in the bottle
Re: I think I must be pissed when i finish a bottle of wine.. i always feel fine. then halfway down the 2nd i fell a little bit not fine! i like wine... wine is good!
Re: Re: I think I must be pissed wine rocks man you'll be sitting there going hang on i payed 15 quid for them two bottles and im not fucked and then all ov a sudden its like oh there its is strong as fuck wine rocks
nopenopenope....Cider is definatly the way forward like! £3 for four 1/2 litres, and half the bottle will get u bolloxed! thats 2 nights of bolloxedness....*wait wait wait* FOR THREE BLOODY SQUID!!!!
thats well funny, ive got the biggest hangover u would ever want to have like. i dont know how i got home. miller's just rang and he said that i was on the board last nite, fuckin hell, i cant remember a bloody thing. and he also asked me to get his copy of championship manager 4, forgot all about that, come on.
I hate it when you cant remember anything...did it the other nite and woke up in my friends kids bedroom....well scary didnt have a clue where I was or how I got there.....(the kid wasnt in there by the way...)
That would have been a little too odd...i'm feeling sheepish enough about the whole thing as it is seems the last thing i remember was lying face down on the carpet in the pub.....
lmfao!!! i done that last night too! i was really really pissed!! did ya ave a good night tho?? i did!
I think you guys gone crazy!!!!!! Do enjoy a good vodka though!!!!!!!! WWOOOHHHHHHOOOO!!!!!!:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: