i take it that if we are on here we ain't at promise, so what the fuck are we doing? i am diseased and therefor can't go.......ffs got too stressed with uni work , that i am now covered in eczema grrrrrrr how about you lot
I am looking after my little son tonight, plus cm4 is out, but i have to install it again though tis running too slow
ive got my little girl all weekend like, and ive just been informed by brownie that u lot r going out on the lash, u fuckin pack of cunts, going out without me, but i drop l-b off at 4 pm and me, my kid and lee r going round hebburn at precisely the fuckin time i drop my little girl off. come on.
So fuck. I have the house to myself all night aswell, so it mean's some unsuspecting women is going to get her nasties tommorrow night off me, lucky cow