how can you be sure it was mackems? it was at the stadium of light, yes but that does not mean that those pitch invaders were from sunderland, england supporters come from all over. it was english fans who were at fault, so rightly the english FA should be held accountable, don't make excuses.
it was the mackems. england have been on the road for well over two years now. they've been just about everywhere. and has it happened there? no.
Inside the stadium it prob was but outside the police stopped them gettin at the turks so the rival gangs started on each other! At least it means it aint behind closed doors at the riverside!
Re: I see the mackems have just cost the FA £70K naaaa the geordie animals would have just smashed up the big market again. you have to be REALLY thick to shit in your own nest!
You cant blame em for getting excited thou really it was the first and last football they have seen there in a LONG time !!!
Re: I see the mackems have just cost the FA £70K Utter shite, they weren't ALL mackems....anyway, no matter where they are from they shud have just shot the lot of em, racist cunts!