Text messaging: Ruth: Night ken, hope the bed bugs dont bite...hard Ken: Well if they bite anything like you do, i ve got nothing to worry about... Ruth: Shocking, I'm disgusted with your attitude
tee hee hee!! nass thanks 4 saying i'm cute & cuddly like a kitten!! ken i am shocked & disgusted with ur attitude!!
She wouldn't do that scottyfish - she would just run around in circles with the kitten trying to bite her arse and her trying to bite the kittens! *Pictures it*
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I saw this i'm sorry that ur bottom was gud enuff to eat!!! i'm lovely really i am..........& i go really girly over kittens cos they're so cute.......tis hours of entertainment & cooing by me if u get me near them!