I-Pod/Mp3/MD Advise Required:, Purchasing/Spec/Technical Info needed Hi, my trusty MD has finally decided to give up, so I am on the lookout for some new personal music player and require some advice on what one I should purchase. I-Pod: I read on various websites that the battery is quite poor (the Apple Mac one) is there any other alternative to having to replace the battery every so often or can AA batteries be used in the 'alternative' I-pob I have heard about(the non Apple Mac one) ? If I am to go about getting an I-pod, what spec should I be looking at ? Or can anyone else advise me about any other features/specifications I should be looking at ? Are they worth it, also what kind of price can you expect for your 'average I-Pod' so I can get a good deal on one. == Also how easy is it to upload mp3s onto it from your pc ? Mp3: Not sure on the capacity in terms of how many mp3s/hours of music you can store on an mp3 player, but same again, can anyone advise me can you purchase a higher capacity storage 'disc' or what ? And are they worth it, also what kind of price can you expect for a decent mp3 player ? == Also how easy is it to upload mp3s onto it from your pc ? MD: Had one for 2 years, solid as a rock, not sure whether I should go and purchase a basic model, it has served its purpose. I had a Sony one and music wise, I could store 5.5 hours of tunes, which was good, but would like to be able to have a larger music base to listen from. All replies much appreciated. Cheers in advance.
Ipod is the way to go, the battery in mine is class, just dont charge it if it dosent need to be charged, same with a mobile
sony's new one is supposed to kick the ipod out of the water. I'll tell you why 40hours of playback fucking get in, heres a picture for you, noy sure when it's out over hear but it gets released in japan april 21. Here's a link if you want to know more. http://www.techjapan.com/Article963.html
The amount of MP3s you can store depends on the quality that you rip them at. I only use my MP3 player at the gym, so I don't really care about the sound quality. At low quality I can get 7 albums onto 256Mb. Things you might want to check are:- - What music formats the player supports. MP3 players usually support windows media format as well, i-pods don't. - Track gaps! The Creative Muvo inserts gaps between tracks. A real pisser if you've ripped a mix CD as you get a half second hiccup between tunes.
the creative zens are decent - and cheaper than ipods... but we all know why people go for ipods.. they look nice!
Cheers lads. Seems it will be an Ipod/Iriver. I'm able to obtain an Ipod (without charger) for €90 (Around £60) which is 10GB in capacity. All I will be listening to is mp3s around 192kps. I think this may be sufficent, but I have been advised about this IRiver and heard that it is a good alternative. What price are they ?
if you're shallow and want it to look pretty then go for the ipod... if you're really shallow then go for the mini... if you're geeky go for the iriver... that seems to be the jist of the advice i'v heard on mp3's!
Jesus. They'll have a remote control for the remote control next. Isn't the point of mp3 player so that it can fit nicely into your pocket, within arms reach? same as a remote control :spangled:
oh just noticed there was a seocnd part to ur post. I guess its easier to clip a remote to ur belt than to use the mp3 player itself.. but cant u clip the mp3 player to ur belt too? nevermind i'm behind with technology.. it probably all works like a charm
ah I get it now.. at first i was thinking what is the point in a remote control for a device that cant be used froma distance further thn the length of the headphones..
theres a little 1gig mp3 player called the monolith 2, looks really good and its tiny. i cant remember the other stuff it has but its meant to have superior sound quality and a lot of other features