Why, whats yours? You can put videos and photos on mine apparently but I havent really got to grips with it yet! I've never had an ipod before, I just randomly got bought it Loving it though
same as yours then but mine looks much better than that one. It has a colour screen and is black for a start Nice and thin too.
yeah i cant believe how tiny they r! i want a nice cover for mine- apparently you can loads of different ones. Will have to have a look on the bay
Did the 4th Gen ipod not have a colour screen and display photos though? that one doesn't look to have a colour display
Mine's scratched to bits- I've got a special polish called displex which gets rid of all the scrathes completely- only about £3 a tube off ebay but i'm sick of using it cos it just gets scratched straight away again
duely noted! I'm going to get some and then buy a proper cover for it. Is it safe for ipods? ie it wont leak inside and shag my ipod up completely? so far its giving me problems now and then but all it needs is some TLC.