I missed my mouth!!!! Oh my god, ive just done the most stupid thing ever!!! i was going to drink a pint (of orange and pineapple juice) and for some reason, i totally missed my mouth and poured it all down my front and on my legs!! how on earth could i miss my mouth??????? blondeness - 1 kerry - 0
the earth must have suddenly slowed down, changing the gravity pull and put you of balance....thus spilling juice, its been scientifically proven in america
or i should be more careful when i go to drink coz im a ditzy blonde, this has been proved in kerry land
ah well...guess its summit what your gona have to live with for the rest of your life......do u rekon your look will change if u died your hair?
nope. i think my dumbness is something i will always have to put up with, but im used to it now, and so is every1 around me.
i did a kerry type thing the other morning.....i woke up and got a fright and thought i was blind.....then remembered that i was wearing the eye mask thing that i got on the plane cus the apartment im in gets really light in the morning duuuur!