i love the 80's i presume as your up at this time youve all been watching it? top stuff! office - NMTB - l love 80's! top TV....
i love the 80s.. anyone see it on erm.. not last nite.. nite b4... (i duno what day it is damn xmas) turtles how fukkin gud were they?... theyd kick pikachu's ass anyday. then eat it. not on the porn way tho. well i hopes!
im not sure how i have the memories of the 80's seeing as i was only 5 at the end of them...but i do....i was laid in bed remebering the smell of those little plastic carebears.
it was a top progarm espically enjoyed whaT WAS the creack on the year i wAS born as well top stuff hehe good ol torvill n dean eh?!?!
How many "Top 100...." programs are on the box. Scheduled for Xmas 2003 "Top 100 Top 100 Programs" !!!!
yeh saw sum ov that! think im a bit ickle 2 fully apreciate it tho me sis and tino were going into raptures bout turtles and thingz, i was just lost off tho