i T so much so that when i drink it i drink pints of it at a time from an eyore mug........................... aye, put kettle on love, really strong 4 me with half a cow, no sugar tho cos i'm sweet enuff already!!
Did you read the warning about T? The infomation found below is a government health warning and can be found on www.pfat.com (the Peoples Front Against Tea) Tea is also has many street slang names: T, brown, brew, PG drinking tea causes prolong feelings of nothingness and can make your life feel like a meaningless void. There is no come up, come down or buzz. You have been sold T cut with household cleaning agent if you feel side effects Because 'T' has no side effects it is very easy to overdose without even knowing it. Tea is often found in bag or leaf form The most common form of comsumption is cooking it up in a container of hot water (sometimes refered to as kettle) and drinking or placing tea leaves under eye lids to achieve hallusination. Some t addicts have also been known to 'Brew' a tea and place chocolate hobnobs into the cup and then suck the tea/chocolate from it in a lethal cocktail of caffine and buscuit If you do try tea never drink alchol or other drugs (including exstacy speed and rich tea) while under the influence. I hope this extract from the PFAT and NHS leaflet will drive home the dangers of tea
It's Typhoon, Im glad because it gives me the biggest kick! Had some PG in a bag last week, didn't do much for me, won't be getting that again
after reading this i gave ti some careful consideration............... i will however continue to drink t even whilst under the influence cos there r just times when u need a cuppa........... tea makes me feel whole when i am empty............it makes me all warm inside.........
oooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOooooooo you're asking alot there! I'll have to go pick it up from the dealer, I need to see him about some special Earl Grey that's just come in, I'm getting a few bags of that
if it ain't too much trouble whilst ya there tho...........much appreciated.............. when u make me a cuppa it's ded easy none of this fancy stuff just plain tetley 4 me.......... earl grey smells nasty!!
Earl grey you can overdo it so easily, you get carried away with the spoonfuls!, I was in a T-Hole for days!
what do u mean think............we know u r weird!!! i know a few ppl who don't like hot drinks..........then again i only hav ehot drinks in cold weather when u should drink em in hot weather cos it actually cools ya down!!!