I hear... Eddie Halliwell played a stonking set at the Arches last week. Anyone got this ? got a link ? awww cool.
bit of house...the roof, you say hes random so he might just bring a bit of is house along being the roof and chuck it in. oohh silly me, cant quite get my head round simple things on a sunday.:spangled:
Credit where credit's due and all that...Halliwell certainly has ability to knock out a cracking set!!!! Dont do much for me these days - but some of stuff ive heard him play in the past has been exceptional!!!!
like the first time i seen him at promise, the place wasnt too packed and i was glued to the front sending me mates to the bar for V&RB, it cost me 1 every time they went although twaswell worth it. When it came to finishing the set he played 4motion which got caned, to my mothers disappointment when I got home@6am! What a night!