I have just bought *shock horror* Mauro Picotto & Riccardo Ferri - Alchemist EP Its not me at all but its fucking decent
I might play out later - see what happens Might do a minidisc this afternoon for Jimmy - be breakbeat trance and techno Before u start Martin - fuck off Ed's Cabin setup Least i get my replacement parts from a proper DJ Store and not a ferrit from a pet shop
they may not be pretty.. but they get the job done. anyways.. u out to play tonight... so did u jack up with that rusty needle then?... sting a bit?
Re: I have just bought *shock horror* Its a mighty fine EP, thats why you have bought it. Also look out for Athos - Reset Controllers on Primeveil and there will be Mauro Picotto - Alchemy 001 out soon too.