I H8 Work!!!! Last night i went in2 work. Hoping that i might nxt friday + wednesday off!!! When i checked as sods law would have it i'm in fuckin both I had already made a point of booking Yoji off and if i ask 4 2 many specific days off, my boss gets annouyed (stupid cow) as and i quote " your not supposed 2 have a social life" This could b due 2 the fact that every1 i work with r mongs and don't have social live past the pub which we work. Sad innit
nasty!!! u'll b pleased to know then that the banana i ate at 8am still tastes like a banana on my palate now!!!
nah ta, voice is deep enough already. did go through phase of smokin red 100s though, and how bads this, went to new zealand where they sell packs of 25 and i asked for the "gold packet" assuming they were lights, they were, they were full on "may as well swallow bitumen" cigs...
can't smoke full strangth marlbro's cos they're rank.have had 2 draws off 1 in my life & that put me off them 4 life!!