Re: I get me new car 2moro! Watch out for fixed objects this time young fella. Most of them have bee there for years you know.
Re: . they are? ures must be broke then mate mwah mwah and other nice things that suggest im only joking
Im getting a new car too! Woohoo! A nice lady at the bank put lots of money into my account, so ive bought a new car and it comes on the 20th September. Only catch is money comes out of my account every month for the next 4 years to pay the bank back!
Re: Re: . glitter i cant move my car off the drive in the mornings, coz theres that many chicks surrounding it!, some times i cant get in the car! ANYWAYS LITTLE GLITTERY LEARNER DRIVER, ATLEAST I CAN DRIVE UNLIKE SOME *ahem ahemglitter angel ahem*